Installation ============ The Reader Toolbox is a suite of Python scripts integrated into a single command-line interface. It ought to run on any computer with Python 3 or above installed. From the command line, installation is as simple as: :: pip install reader-toolbox You can also install the development version of the Toolbox with the following commands: :: git clone cd reader-toolbox pip install -e . Once you get this far, you ought to be able to run the Toolbox command -- ``rdr`` -- which is short for "reader": :: rdr The result ought to be listing of all the ``rdr`` subcommands and looking something like this: :: Usage: rdr [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... Options: --help Show this message and exit. Commands: adr Filter email addresses from . bib Output rudimentary bibliographics from . browse Peruse as a file system. catalog List study carrels. cluster Apply dimension reduction to and visualize the... concordance A poor mans search engine. download Cache from the public library of study carrels. edit Modify the stop word list of . ent Filter out named entities and types of entities found in... get Echo the values denoted by the set subcommand. grammars Extract sentence fragments from where fragments are... info Output metadata describing . ngrams Output and list words or phrases found in . play Play the word game called hangman. pos Filter out parts-of-speech, words, and lemmas found in... read Open in your Web browser. search Perform a full text query against . semantics Apply semantic indexing against . set Configure the location of study carrels and a subsystem... sql Use SQL queries against the database of . tm Apply topic modeling against . url Filter URLs and domains from . wrd Filter statistically computed keywords from . From here you can issue a subcommand like the following to display a human-readable catalog of all the Distant Reader study carrels remotely available in the Reader's public library: :: rdr catalog -h -l remote See `Quick start <./quick-start.html>`_ to learn more about the subcommands.