Quick startΒΆ

This is a quick start for using the Toolbox, sans very much elaboration:

# install
pip install reader-toolbox --upgrade

# configure; accept the default
rdr set -s local

# add an item to your library
rdr download homer

# read homer
rdr read homer

# list all words
rdr ngrams homer

# list all bigrams
rdr ngrams homer -s 2

# list all bigrams and count them
rdr ngrams homer -s 2 -c

# list all bigrams, count them, and filter the results
rdr ngrams homer -s 2 -c -q love

# same as the above, but pipe the result through a pager
rdr ngrams homer -s 2 -c -q love | more

# search
rdr concordance homer

# search again, but specify a query
rdr concordance homer -q war

# same as the above, but pipe the result through a pager
rdr concordance homer -q war | more

# list subject-verb-object fragments; please be patient
rdr grammars homer

# list noun phrases
rdr grammars homer -g nouns

# same as the above, but tabulate the results, look for love, and page the results
rdr grammars homer -g nouns -c -q love | more

# cluster; do the items in the carrel group themselves?
rdr cluster homer

# topic model; similar to cluster but with more detail
rdr tm homer

# play hangman
rdr play

# page through additional carrels for downloading
rdr catalog -l remote -h

# read a remote study carrel
rdr read pride -l remote

# browse the content of a remote study carrel
rdr browse pride -l remote

# download another carrel
rdr download pride

# download yet another carrel
rdr download sonnets

# list your carrels
rdr catalog

# search for love
rdr concordance pride -q love

# find a lot of love
rdr concordance sonnets -q love

See Tutorial to learn how to use the Toolbox in greater detail.